Leo Horie

Software Engineer, author of Mithril.js

What is Mithril.js?

Why Mithril.js?

Once upon a time...

Wasn't happy with state of
Javascript frameworks:

  • Complexity
  • Awful docs (if any)
  • Performance issues

Design Goal: Pragmatic

Case Study


Implements a simple Hacker News / Reddit clone

It's like TodoMVC.com, but more realistic
(has ajax, dynamic routing, recursive views)


Backbone:*jQuery, Underscore
Ember:jQuery, Ember Template Compiler**
Angular:Angular Route, Angular Resource
Mithril:- none -
React:Grapnel***, Reqwest, JSX Transformer**
Vue:Vue Router, Reqwest

* Classical-style app. A modern app would use more libraries
** Normally uses a build system
*** According to project author, React Router too "weird"

Design Goal: Fast

TodoMVC Benchmark: add 100 items, then delete them

Footprint (min + gzip)

Angular.js37 kb
Backbone.js*45 kb
Ember.js*75 kb
Mithril.js7 kb

*including dependencies

Design Goal: Simple

What makes an API "simple"?


Ember: Almost a hundred classes

VanillaJS: Zero LOC

Paretto principle:

"get 80% results with 20% effort"

Mithril API surface

~20 methods


342 kb of documentation

  • Prose
  • Examples
  • API


"Familiar" is not necessarily "simple"

...but it helps reduce learning curve

Some examples


Similar to variables

//a variable
var thing = "Macbook";
console.log( things ); // "Macbook"

thing = "iPhone";
console.log( things ); // "iPhone"

//a getter-setter
var thing = m.prop( "MacBook" );
console.log( thing() ); // "Macbook"

thing( "iPhone" );
console.log( thing() ); // "iPhone"


Makes Async similar to Sync

var things = m.request({method: "GET", url: "/things.json"}) //get a list of things
  .then(list => list.slice(0, 10))                           //then slice it
  .then(list => list.slice(0, 3));                           //then slice it some more

e.g. Compare to jQuery

var things = $(".things") //get a list of things
  .slice(0, 10)           //then slice it
  .slice(0, 3);           //then slice it some more

Virtual DOM

Just like HTML, but in Javascript

m("div", [                                      // <div>
  m("a", {href: "http://google.com"}, "Google") //   <a href="http://google.com">Google</a>
])                                              // </div>

Similar to CSS, too

    m(".panel.panel-default", [
        m(".panel-heading", [
            m("h3.panel-title", "Panel title")
        m(".panel-body", [
            "Panel content"

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <h3 class="panel-title">Panel title</h3>
        <div class="panel-body">
            Panel content

Magic trick: mind reading

"Onoes, can't I use angled brackets?"

<!-- likey -->
<ul class="things">

// no likey
m("ul.things", [
    m("li", "iPhone"),
    m("li", "Macbook"),

(Yes, you can.)

More generically

Why reinvent variables, ajax callbacks and HTML?

They work just fine

Functional Composition

Fancy term for taking two functions
and putting them together
to do something more interesting

    var data = m.prop();
    // ...

    m("input", {
        oninput: m.withAttr("value", data),
        value: data()

You already know .map, .filter, etc

    var summaryView = function(item) {
        return m(".summary", [
            m("h3", item.name),
            m(".summary-body", item.description)

    // ...

    m(".summaries", projects.map(summaryView));

Promises will be part of ES6

    var now = Date.now();
    var pastItems = function(items) {
        return items.filter(function(item) {
            return item.date < now;
    var log = function(value) {
        return value;

    m.request({method: "GET", url: "/api/projects"})
        .then(log)       // log all projects
        .then(pastItems) // filter past projects
        .then(log);      // log past projects only

TL;DR: it's possible to make a small but useful API
by taking advantage of functional composition

But seriously, why the &*%# mess with HTML?

  • Familiar syntax
  • Designers can use it

Templates can use Javascript tooling ecosystem

  • Minifiers: Uglify.js, Google closure compiler, etc
  • Linters: JSHint, ESLint
  • Modularity: AMD, Browserify, Rollup.js
  • Build systems: Grunt, Gulp, Webpack
  • Static analysis: Facebook Flow, Typescript

...and on top of that, you can pick your sugar

// Vanilla Javascript
m("ul.things", [
    m("li", "iPhone"),
    m("li", "Macbook"),

# Coffescript
m "ul.things",
    m "li", "iPhone"
    m "li", "Macbook"

// React's JSX
<ul class="things">

Other reasons...

HTML is bad at organizing

<!-- 2000 lines of this in one HTML file... -->
<script id="foo" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
    <ul class="things">
<script id="bar" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
<script id="baz" type="x-tmpl-mustache">

Better: Component-oriented architecture

One concern per file

var Project = require("./models/project");
var List = {
    controller: function() {
        this.projects = Project.list();
    view: function(ctrl) {
        return m("table", [
            ctrl.projects().map(function(item) {
                return m("tr", [
                    m("td", item.id),
                    m("td", item.name)

Virtual DOM = Retained Mode

Instead of saying when to add, remove, update stuff,
describe what UI should look like

(Let the framework do the heavy lifting)

Retained Mode + Turing Completeness = powerful tools

  • Reusability via smart/dumb components
  • Scoped CSS (via JSS, J2C)
  • Declarative DSLs

Less code = less bugs

What about testing?

Testable code

var Project = require("./models/project");
var List = {
    controller: function() {
        this.projects = Project.list();
    view: function(ctrl) {
        return m("table", [
            ctrl.projects().map(function(item) {
                return m("tr", [
                    m("td", item.id),
                    m("td", item.name)

Test Frameworks: Mocha, Jasmine, Tape, ...

Mocking: Facebook Jest, Proxyquire, m.deps

Utilities: Mithril Query

What about mobile?

Lichess Mobile app

  • Real time features
  • 80 languages
  • Millions of games played
